Mihail Voicu, Professor emeritus
Systems Theory & Automatic Control




 My Books

 My Papers

 Main Results

 PhD Students


   C. V.




 My Papers

*       Papers awarded with the “Aurel Vlaicu” Prize of the Romanian Academy

*      Voicu M., On the application of the flow-invariance method in control theory and design. 10th IFAC World Congress, Munich, July 26-31, 1987; Preprints, IFAC, vol. VIII, pp. 364-369

*      Voicu M., Observing the state with componentwise exponentially decaying error. Systems & Control Letters, 9,1987, pp. 33-42

*       Journal Papers (selection)

*      Voicu M., Identification complète des processus dynamiques linéaires. Rev. Fr. d'Automatique, Informatique et de Recherche opérationnelle, nr. J-2, 1972, pp. 87-95

*  Voicu M., Sebastian L., Analyse des Verzerrungsbetriebes von industriell angewandten elektrischen Netzwerken mittels dynamisch statistischer Methoden. El. Zeitschrift A, 6, 1974, pp. 310-315

*     Voicu M., Analyse der inneren stochastischen Störung, formelle Ursache des Verzerrungsbetriebes von industriellen Netzwerken mittels dynamisch statistischer Methoden. Bul. Inst. Politehnic Iaşi, III, 3-4, 1977, pp. 53-60

*      Voicu M., System matrix with prescribed off-diagonal entries obtained via state feedback. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, IV, 1997, pp. 5-9

*   Voicu M., Adaptive Wienerfilter für die optimale Dämpfung des Verzerrungsbetriebes von industriellen elektrischen Netzwerken. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, III, 3-4, 1979, pp. 77-86

*     Voicu M., Kirchhoff interconnectability of linear constant dynamical systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 8, 1980, pp. 907-919

*     Voicu M., State constraints and asymptotic stability of linear constant dynamical systems. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, III, 3-4, 1981, pp. 57-60

*    Voicu M., Componentwise asymptotic stability of the linear constant dynamical systems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 10, 1984, pp. 937-939

*     Voicu M., Gerschgorinsche Kreise und die komponentenweise Stabilisierung. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, III, 1985, pp. 45-50

*      Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Practical testing of state controllability. Syst. Sci. , 3-4, 1987, pp. 93-105

*     Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., On the dimension of linear dynamical systems. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, III, 1-4, 1988, pp. 21-26

*     Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., A microcomputer-based teaching environment for control engineering. Systems Analysis, Modelling and Simulation, 11, 1989, pp. 933-937

*      Voicu M., Moroşan B., Variable structure controller for feedback positioning of dc electric motor.
Rev. Roumaine des Sci. Techn., ser. el. energ., 2, 1991, pp. 247-264

*      Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., An approach to linear-quadratic control problem using non-recursive models. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, IV, 1992, pp. 61-72

*      Voicu M., On the McMillan degree of a strictly proper rational matrix. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, IV, 1993, pp. 35-40

*    Moroşan, B. I., Voicu M., General sliding mode systems analysis and design via flow invariance method. Studies in Informatics and Control, 4, 1994, pp. 347-366

*  Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Geometric approach to eigenvalues assignment with decoupled finite effect sequence constraints. Systems Analysis and Simulation, 18-19, 1995, pp. 119-122

*      Voicu M., System matrix with prescribed off-diagonal entries obtained via state feedback. Bul. Inst. Polit.  Iaşi, IV, 1997, pp. 5-9

*     Voicu M., Moroşan B. I., Variable structure control system characterization and design via flow -invariance method. Int. Journal Automation Austria, 1, 1997, pp. 12-15

*      Păstrăvanu, O., Voicu, M., Preserving componentwise asymptotic stability under disturbances.
Rev. Roumaine des Sci. Techn., ser. el. energ., 3, 2000, pp. 413-425

*     Păstrăvanu, O., Voicu, M., Quasi-behavioural approach to eigenvalue assignment. Rev. Roumaine des Sci. Techn., ser. el. energ., 3, 2000, pp. 373-389

*    Păstrăvanu, O., Voicu, M., Robustness of componentwise asymptotic stability for a class of nonlinear systems. Proc. of Romanian Academy, A, 1-2, 2001, pp. 61-67

*    Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Componentwise asymptotic stability of interval matrix systems. Journal of Diff. and Integral Equation, 11, 2002, pp. 1377-1394

*    Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Time-domain and parametric L2-properties corresponding to Popov inequality. Kybernetika, 5, 2002, pp. 617 – 629

*      Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Dynamics of a class of uncertain systems under flow-invariance constraints.
Int. Journ. of Math. and Mathematical Science
, 2003, pp. 263 – 294

*     Voicu M, Păstrăvanu O., Exploring the componentwise absolute stability of endemic epidemic systems via SIR models., Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (ISSN 1454-8658), 2002, No. 4, pp. 23-28

*    Matcovschi M., Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Componentwise absolute stability of Hopfield neural networks without delay. Rev. Roum. des Sci. Techn., ser. el. energ., 4, 2003, pp. 495 - 504

*     Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Necessary and sufficient conditions for componentwise stability of interval matrix systems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 5, 2004, pp. 1016 – 1021

*      Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., On the componentwise stability of linear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (published online: October 7, 2004), Vol. 15, Issue 1 (Jan. 10, 2005); pp. 15-23.

*      Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Generalized matrix diagonal stability and linear dynamical systems. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 419 (2006), pp. 299 310.

*    Voicu M., Determination of McMillan degree via Hankel block matrices associated to Taylor series expansion. Studies in Informatics and Control , vol. 16 (2007), no. 4, pp. 393-400.

*     Matcovschi M.-H., Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Invariant sets with arbitrary time-dependence in the dynamics of linear systems with interval-type uncertainties. Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (ISSN 1454-8658), 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3-4, pp. 36-42.

*     Matcovschi M.-H., Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Invariant sets with arbitrary time-dependence in the dynamics of linear systems with interval-type uncertainties. Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (ISSN 1454-8658), 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3-4, pp. 36-42.

*    Păstrăvanu O., Matcovschi M.-H., Voicu M., Invariant-set-based analysis and design; a survey of some noticeable contributions. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (Academia Română, ISSN: 1453-8245), Editura Academiei Române, București, vol. 12 (2009), nr. 4, pp. 425-439

*     Matcovschi M.H., Pastravanu O., Voicu M., 2012, Right bounds for eigenvalue ranges of interval matrices -         Estimation principles vs global optimization, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics,

                vol. 14, nr. 1, pp. 3-13, ISSN: 1454-8658

       *      Păstrăvanu O., Matcovschi M.-H., Voicu M., Row and Column Representatives in Qualitative Analysis

                      of Arbitrary Switching Positive Systems. ROMJIST, No. 1-2, Vol. 19, 2016, 127-136

       *      Pastravanu O., Matcovschi M., Voicu M., Interval matrix systems and invariance of non-symmetrical

                      contractive sets. ROMJIST, No. 1-2, Vol. 19, 2016, 137-147

*     Matcovschi M.-H., Apetrii M., Pastravanu O., Voicu M., Invariant Sets With Arbitrary Convex Shapes In Linear System Dynamics. In Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 24, Nr. 4 (2021)

      *       Matcovschi M.-H., Matcovschi M-H., Apetrii M., Pastravanu O., Voicu M., Invariant Sets With Arbitrary 

                       Convex Shapes in Linear System Dynamics. In ROMJIST, Vol. 24, Nr. 4 (2022)

*       Proceedings papers(selection)

*      Voicu M., Free response characterization via flow invariance. 9th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control, Budapest, 2-6 July 1984; Preprints, IFAC, vol. V, pp. 12-17.

*       Voicu M., Structural properties of the spatial manipulating systems in connection with the state and control constraints. 1st IFAC Symp. on Robot Control, Barcelona, Nov. 6-8 1985; Proceedings, IFAC, pp. 425-428.

*       Voicu M., On the application of the flow-invariance method in control theory and design. 10th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control, Munich, July 26-31, 1987; Proceedings, IFAC, vol. VIII, pp. 364-369.

*      Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Lazăr C., Design and numerical implementation of a state estimator for biosynthesis processes. IFAC Modelling and Control of Biotechnical Processes, Colorado (USA), 1992; Proceedings, IFAC, pp. 350-362.

*      Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Optimal control design based on non-recursive linear models. 3rd European Control Conf., ECC1995, Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, 1995; Proc. vol. 1, pp. 501-506.

*       Voicu M., Pănescu, D., Dumbravă, St., Combining AI with simulation techniques in CIM control. Proc. 9th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems (LSS 2001), Institute of Informatics , Bucharest, 2001; pp. 190-195. In: Filip F.G. et al. (Eds), Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications 2001 (LSS’01), Elsevier Science Ltd. (Pergamon), Oxford.

*       Voicu M.,Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Componentwise asymptotic stability induced by symmetrical polyhedral time-dependent constraints. IFIP Conference “Analysis and optimization of differential systems”, 2002, UniversitateaOvidius”, Constanţa. In V. Barbu et al. (Ed.), Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, IFIP Series vol. 121, Boston, 2003; pp. 433-442.

*     Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Norm-Based Approach to Componentwise Asymptotic Stability. 11th IEEE Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation, June 17-20, 2003, Rhodes; Proceedings on CD, 6p.

*     Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Componentwise Stabilizability And Detectability Of Linear Systems. European Control Conference, ECC 2003, University of Cambridge; Proceedings on CD, 6 p.

*       Păstrăvanu O., Matcovschi M.-H., Voicu M., Diagonally-invariant exponential stability. 16th World Congress

                of International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC, Prague, July 4-8, 2005; Proceedings on CD; 6 p.

*       Păstrăvanu O.,  Matcovschi M.-H., Voicu M., Time-Dependent Invariant Sets in System Dynamics. IEEE Conf. on Control Application, München, October 4-6, 2006; Proc. on CD; 6 pp.

*        Păstrăvanu O., Matcovschi M.H., Voicu M., Majorant matrices in the qualitative analysis of interval dynamical systems. European Control Conference 2007, Kos, Greece 2-5 July 2007; Proceedings on CD, 6p.

*        Voicu M., Matcovschi M. H., Păstrăvanu O., Invariant and contractive sets in motion stability analysis of a mobile robot. 4th IFAC Conf. on Management and Control of Production and Logistics MCPL 2007, Sibiu, September 27- 30, 2007. Proceedings (ISBN 978-973-739-481-1), pp.133-138.

       *        Pastravanu, O., Matcovschi, M.-H., Voicu, M. Qualitative analysis results for arbitrarily switching positive  

                       systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 2011, 44 (1 PART 1), pp. 1326–1331

       *        Matcovschi, M.-H., Pastravanu, O., Voicu, M. On some properties of diagonally stable polytopic systems;

                        15th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2011, 2011

      *         Pastravanu, O., Budaciu, C., Voicu, M.; Fragility analysis for CWEAS state feedback control; 16th

                         International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2012 - Joint

                    Conference Proceedings, 2012

      *          Pastravanu, O., Matcovschi, M.-H., Voicu, M.; Feasible and equilibrium solutions to the closed Leontief

                         models; 2013 17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC

                         2013; Proceedings, pp. 398–403

      *          Matcovschi, M.-H., Pastravanu, O., Voicu, M.; Outer bound estimations for the spectral radii of interval

                         matrices; 2014 18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC

                         2014, Proceedings, pp. 25–30

      *           Lyapunov Functions. In Proceedings of the 19th Int. Conf. on System Theory, Control and Computing

                         (Joint conference of SINTES19, SACCS15, SIMSIS19), Octobr 14-16, 2015, Cheile

                          Gradistei, Romania;technically co-sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society; în I EEE

                          Xplore,  http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber= 7321262

     *           Pastravanu O., M., Matcovschi M., Voicu M., Generalization of a flow-invariance criterion, 2017, 21st   

                         International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), IEEE Xplore  

      *            Păstrăvanu O., Matcovschi M., Voicu M., Nouă abordare a stabilității exponențiale cu invarianță

                          diagonală pentru sistemele cu comutație. „Sinergii strategice în Bazinul Mării Negre“, Universitatea

                         „Ovidius”, Constanța, octombrie 2017. Proceedings „Zilele Academice ale ASTR”, ediția a XII-a, 2016,

                          ISSN 2066-6586

      *           Păstrăvanu O., Matcovschi M., Voicu M., Asupra teoriei Perron-Frobenius aplicată sistemelor

                          economice.  Zilele Academiei de Științe Tehnice din România „Orașul inteligent”, Universitatea „Petru

                          Maior” din Târgu-Mureș, octombrie 2016. Proceedings „Zilele Academice ale ASTR”, ediția XI – 2016,

                          ISSN  2066- 6586

       *          Păstrăvanu O., Matcovschi M., Voicu M., Nouă abordare a stabilității exponențiale cu invarianță

                          diagonală pentru sistemele cu comutație. „Sinergii strategice în Bazinul Mării Negre“, Universitatea

                          „Ovidius”, Constanța, octombrie 2017. Proceedings „Zilele Academice ale ASTR”, ediția a XII-a,

                           2016, ISSN 2066- 6586

       *          Matcovschi M. H, Pastravanu O., Voicu M., Enhancing the role of column representatives in testing the

                           invariance properties of switching systems. 2018, Proceedings, 22st International Conference on

                           System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC): indexată în http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/

       *          Păstrăvanu O., Matcovschi M., Voicu M.,Connotations on a quadratic stability criterion for arbitrary

                         Switching Linear Systems. 2019, Proceedings, 23rd International Conference on System Theory,

                         Control and Computing (ICSTCC, 9-11 Oct. 2019, Sinaia; sponsorizată tehnic de IEEE Control

                         Systems Society; indexată în http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/

       *         Pastravanu, O.-C., Matcovschi, M-H. Voicu, M., Non-symmetrical setup of componentwise stabilization

                           for continuous-time interval systems. Proceedings, 24th International Conference on System

                          Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC, October 2020, Sinaia; sponsorizată tehnic de IEEE

                           Control  Systems Society; indexată în http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/; si in WoS Clarivate

        *           Matcovschi, M-H., Apetrii M., Pastravanu, O.-C., Voicu, M., Minkowski and Lyapunov Functions in

                           Contractive Sets Characterization for Discrete-Time Linear Systems. Proceedings, p. 227-233. 25th

                           International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC, 20-23 October 2021,

                           Iași; sponsorizată tehnic de IEEE Control Systems Society. Conferința indexata în

                           https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ și în WoS Clarivate

       *          Pastravanu, O.-C., Matcovschi, M-H., Voicu, M., Test Matrices for Componentwise Asymptotic Stability

                           of Polytopic Systems. Proceedings, p. 227-233. 26th International Conference on System Theory,

                          Control and Computing (ICSTCC, October 2022, Sinaia; sponsorizată tehnic de IEEE Control

                          Systems Society. Conferința  indexată în https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/ searchresult.jsp

                          ?newsearch=true&queryText=icstcc%202022 și în WoS Clarivate


*       Patents (selection)

*      Voicu M., Ţiţariu I., Asandei D., Control procedure and device for asynchronic servomotors. Romanian Patent 72 589/1979

*      Bejan I., Voicu M., Pal C., Asandei D., Lazăr C., Extremal controller for extinction coils.
Romanian Patent 92 134/1985

*      Voicu M., Lazăr C., Asandei D., Pal C., Leca M., Generator of stair functions.
Rom. Patent 91 690/1986

*      Lazăr C., Voicu M., Leca M., Asandei D., Pal C., Procedure and device for TV image coding.
Romanian Patent 94 966/1988