Mihail Voicu, Professor emeritus
Systems Theory & Automatic Control




 My Books

 My Papers

 Main Results

 PhD Students


   C. V.




 PhD Students

*    Ph Doctors and their doctoral theses

*     Octavian Păstrăvanu, Modelling and control of the dynamical systems with unknown parameters, 1992.

*     Bogdan Moroşan, Numerical variable structure systems approached by the flow invariance method, l994.

*     Elena Poli, Real time programming techniques for the industrial process control, l995.

*     Teodor Marcu, Pattern recognition techniques for the industrial process diagnosis, l995.

*     Francisc Schönberger, Tuning methods for the numerical algorithms control of industrial processes, l998.

*     Gabriela Varvara, Contributions to hemorheologic modelling; applications in microvascular networks, l998.

*     Silviu Ifrim, Syntactic methods in the pattern recognition with applications in flexible automation, l998.

*     Letiţia Mirea, Artificial intelligence techniques applied to the industrial process diagnosis, 2002.

*     Elena Şerban, Automatic synthesis of input signals for testing installations in seismic engineering, 2003.

*     Lavinia Ferariu, Evolutional control algorithms for industrial processes, 2004.

*     Otilia Păduraru, A computational study on the mechanisms of burst firing in cortical neurons, 2005

*     Mircea Hulea, Analysis and design of a voice recognition system using neural nets, 2008.

*     Cristina Hălăucă, Generalized predictive control in delta domain, 2009.

*     Mircea Lazăr, Predictive control algorithms for nonlinear systems, 2009.