Technical University of Iasi, Romania Mihail Voicu’s Home Page
Mihail Voicu Member of the Romanian Academy Professor Emeritus Systems Theory & Automatic Control |
Some publications:
Romanian), Polirom, 2002.
Voicu M. (Ed.), ADVANCES
iN AUTOMATIC CONTROL. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
TEORIA SISTEMELOR (in Romanian), Editura Academiei Romane, 2008
Voicu M.,
(in Romanian), Technical Publ. House, 1986
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2021
Voicu M., Pastravanu O.,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2023
ZIP Voicu M., Ghici cine vine la cină? TV interview (in Romanian).
Domains of interest:
Systems Theory, Automatic
Control Theory
Actual research topics:
Flow invariance,
stability, stabilization
Componentwise asymptotic
Componentwise stability of
interval matrix systems
Invariant exponential stability
Publications on componentwise stability:
Voicu M., Free response characterization via flow invariance. 9th World Congress of IFAC, 1984, vol. V, 12-15
Voicu M., Componentwise asymptotic stability of the linear constant dynamical systems. IEEE Trans. AC, 1984, no. 10, 937-939
Voicu M., Application of flow-invariance method in control theory. 10th World Congress of IFAC,1987, vol. 8, 364-369
Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Interval matrix systems – flow invariance and componentwise asymptotic stability. Diff. and Int. Eq., 2002, vol. 15, no. 11, 1377–1394
Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Necessary and sufficient conditions for componentwise stability of interval matrix systems. IEEE Trans. AC, 2004, no. 5, 1016-1021
Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Generalized matrix diagonal stability and linear dynamical systems. Linear Algebra and Its Appl., 2006, vol. 419, 2-3, 299-310.
Matcovschi M.H., Pastravanu O., Voicu M., 2007, Invariant sets with arbitrary time-dependence in the dynamics of linear systems with interval-type uncertainties,
Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol. 9, no. 3-4, pp. 36-42; ISSN 1454-8658
Pastravanu O., Matcovschi M. H., Voicu M., 2009, Invariant-set-based analysis and design. a survey of some noticeable contributions, Romanian Journal of Information
Science and Technology, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 425-439.
Recent publications:
M. (Ed.),
Advances in Automatic Control. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 754,
Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., On the componentwise stability of linear systems. International Journal
of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 15, Issue 1; pp. 15 – 23.
O., Matcovschi M.-H., Voicu M.,
exponential stability.
World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control,
Voicu M., XXI Century or how descends the twenty-first century from the second millenium (in Romanian).
Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2006; 174 p.
Voicu M., Qualitative analysis of dynamical system via flow-invariance method. Invited conference;
5th Europ. Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ECIT 2008), Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, 2008.
Voicu M., Systems Theory (in Romanian and in English Mihail Voicu_Systems Theory_Romanian Academy Publishing House.pdf).
Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2008; 416 p.
Voicu M., Internal evaluation of study programme quality. Quality Assurance Review for Higher Educ., 2009, nr. 1, pp. 79- 83.
Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Dima A. (Eds.), Proc. of 4th National Conference of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences,
Iaşi, Nov. 19-20, 2009, vol. 1. AGIR , Bucureşti, 2009; 324 p.
Voicu M, 2009, Elemente de teoria distribuţiilor. În Dumitrache I. (coord.), Automatica, Editura Academiei Române,
vol. I, subcap. 1.4, pp. 91-104.
Voicu M., 2009, Proprietăţi structurale. În Dumitrache I. (coord.), Automatica, Editura Academiei Române,
vol. I, cap. 5, pp. 229-255.
Voicu M., 2009, Conducerea optimală. În Dumitrache I. (coord.), Automatica, Editura Academiei Române,
vol. I, subcap. 13.3, pp. 648-670.
Voicu M., Interconexiuni (in Romanian). Editura Academiei Române, București, 2010
Voicu M., Robust controller including a modified Smith predictor for AQM supporting TCP flows. Control Engrg and Appl. Informatics,
2012, Vol.14, No.3, pp. 3-8.
Matcovschi M. H., Pastravanu O., Voicu M., 2012, Right bounds for eigenvalue ranges of interval matrices -
Estimation principles vs global optimization,
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 3-13.
Pastravanu O., Matcovschi M., Voicu M., Row and Column Representatives in Qualitative Analysis of Arbitrary Switching Positive Systems.
ROMJIST, No. 1-2, Vol. 19, 2016, 127-136
Pastravanu O., Matcovschi M., Voicu M., Interval matrix systems and invariance of non-symmetrical contractive sets.
ROMJIST, No. 1-2, Vol. 19, 2016, 137-147
Pastravanu, O., Matcovschi, M.H., Voicu M., 2017, Generalization of a flow-invariance criterion. 21st International Conference on System Theory,
Control and Computing (ICSTCC), IEEE Xplore.
Pastravanu, O., Matcovschi, M.H., Voicu, M,. 2017, Perron-Frobenius theory applied to Leontief economic systems. In
Journal of Engineering Science and Innovation (JESI-ASTR).
Matcovschi M.-H., Apetrii M., Pastravanu O., Voicu M., Invariant Sets With Arbitrary Convex Shapes In Linear System Dynamics. In Romanian Journal of Information
Science and Technology, Vol. 24, Nr. 4 (2021)
Matcovschi M.-H., Matcovschi M-H., Apetrii M., Pastravanu O., Voicu M., Invariant Sets With Arbitrary Convex Shapes in Linear System Dynamics. In ROMJIST, Vol. 24, Nr. 4 (2022)
Voicu M., Systems Theory with Engineering Applications Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle upon Tyne, 2021,
ISBN: 1-5275-7264-1, ISBN13: 978-1-5275-7264-5
Voicu M., Pastravanu O., Non-recursive Rehavioural Models in Control Analysis and Design
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2023, ISBN 1-5275-4296-3, ISBN13 978-1-5275-4296-9
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Pagina Academiei Române ̶ Filiala Iași
Site designed, maintained and webmastered by Mihail Voicu
Last modified: January 2025